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Meet the #YSQUAD

Angela Barnett

Founder of Pretty Smart, Angela is a mother of two, a wacky hats and wig lover and a senior marketing communications professional with extensive experience that includes the launch of 42 Below vodka. She is a sought after freelance writer and is passionate about young women’s body confidence. Angela is responsible for partnerships and sponsorship revenue at the Y.

Anna Beard

Anna is all about Insights & Advocacy for the Y. Gender equality & social justice has been her passion for as long as she can remember and she loves having the opportunity to put intersectional feminism at the heart of her work. A self-described "non-profit tragic", she has 15 years of experience in fundraising and communications and more recently her focus has been on advocacy & policy. She's a member of the NCW Auckland Executive and Chair of Women's Health Action.

Dellwyn Stuart

Dellwyn is our fearless leader. She's passionate about gender equality and wants to amplify the voices of young women as New Zealand moves to more equitable outcomes for all its people and embraces the changes that will face us this century. She has 30 year’s experience in corporate and private business, has led a family foundation (the Stevenson Foundation) and a major charity (Cure Kids). Among her governance roles she has served on the Board of Philanthropy NZ. In 2017, Dellwyn founded New Zealand’s first Women’s Fund, bringing an idea to New Zealand that is mobilising women around the world.

Grace Ting

Meet Grace our Operations and Finance Manager. She wants women to feel safe wherever they are in their homes, workplace, public places and while travelling. This was the only job she applied for when she moved to Auckland from Christchurch. She believes that God put her in the organisation for a reason. "I still don’t know what the reason is but I enjoy working here. There are things that clash with my Christian beliefs but, in general, we are working towards creating a better tomorrow for women and I am all for that."

Claire Stuart | GenderTick Manager

Claire is our GenderTick Manager! The GenderTick accreditation for the workplace, aims to get more NZ organisations on board as GenderTick members to place focus and commitment on women in the workplace and progress toward equality for women. Claire would like to see the unpaid labour predominantly done by women (that will in turn fall to our daughters to do instead of our sons) recognised, supported, paid and shared. She also runs workplace workshops on topics such as Gender Backlash and contributes to our advocacy efforts. “This is much more than ‘just another tick’ it is joining a movement for a more inclusive Aotearoa and showing your support and organisational commitment to women”.

Alida Shanks

Valerie Bold

Valerie's technical role name is "Executive Assistant to CEO / Business Projects Manager". However, we can confirm that she is also an events planner, tech wizard and occasionally a baker. We are still trying to see if there's anything she can't do! Valerie is not only the glue that keeps us together but also the person applying glue so that our team is working right! “The EA role has changed so much over the years, I am what you might call ‘the all-knowing, all-seeing’ (sometimes all-annoying!!). The chaos tamer, pulse taker, inefficiency disruptor, relationship builder, time bender – but most importantly, I’ve ALWAYS got my teams back baby!”

Rachel Cleary

Rachel Cleary (she/her) has been described as the definition of a boss lady who maintains a sense of grace, composure and enduring kindness. With an enduring love for driving the change for equality and diversity, she finds joy in bringing others along on journeys of discovery and learning - with a unique, aspirational outlook - partnering with Rachel is rarely dull!

You can make a difference in the lives of young women and girls today

Many of our young women are still marginalised, living in a system where they face multiple challenges. We need your help to even up the playing field.